David Andrew Lee, M.A.

“Turning your dream into mine”Portrait of David Andrew Lee
Belmar, NJ. 07719
deeleenyc@gmail.com | 732.630.5797

I am a retired teacher currently employed as an Assistant Manager at a restaurant in New Jersey. I am seeking a position in management in the restaurant/hospitality industry. I enjoy working hard and I love working with people. I am comfortable working in high-stress conditions and can work for long periods of time. I have impeccable time-management and multitasking skills. I am self-motivated and full of energy. My background is diverse as is my skill set. “Turning your dream into mine” means that I will align myself with the goals of my employer rather than myself. It means that I will work hard and honestly. It means you can trust me to always be professional, do my best and keep the dream of the company first priority.

Thesis Statement | Experience | Dedication | Skills | Hobbies | Conclusion

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